Primary School


The Primary Level offers a comprehensive National and International curriculum to develop students’ learning skills which incorporate rich and contextual learning experiences through the development of learners’ abilities to reason effectively and use systematic thinking in making judgments and decisions (critical thinking), listen and articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written, and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts (communication), demonstrate ability and exercise willingness to work effectively with diverse teams (collaboration), and work creatively with others in implementing new ideas to improve and maximize learning efforts (creativity).

In SD Gandhi, Ancol Our National education programme is based around National Curriculum (Kurikulum 2013).
As a primary school, we are facing the children who are full of curiosity. So we need an educational programme that must be able to answer all their questions and also provides them with introduction to discipline, skills and knowledge. Students also start learning the importance of having good character and values from religion lessons and moral science The core subjects of the Primary Level is taught in English and focus on maths, science, English (spelling, sentence building, grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, composition), and general knowledge, with Mandarin, bahasa Indonesia and art as complementary subjects. In addition, as part of our school’s mission and an important feature of our school’s life , students participate in weekly assembly in the school hall which includes our morning prayer that acts as a way by which we create and promote our value-based education – the school as a whole community where students learn in a valued, structured environment.

Furthermore, in effort to help them learn to manage their time, relieve stress and strive for excellence beyond their academics, students also participate in weekly extra curricular activities such as drawing, music (pianica and violin), taekwondo, badminton and traditional dances. Students also take part in annual inter-class sport activities and competitions that are conducted for celebrating Independence Day to strengthen their national identity.

Annual field trips such as learning to cook at famous restaurants or learning new culture of other country from a visit to an embassy, and going on a nature outing outside of Jakarta, production day and cultural events are also provided as part of our comprehensive program to help foster learners’ social and environmental awareness.

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